Do my dogs have to play?

I often get asked if something is wrong with a dog if he/she doesn’t want to play with other dogs. And my answer is always the same….of course they don’t have to play. Plenty of dogs don’t have any desire to play with others (even if their owners/parents really want them too!) Others have never learned how to play and have to experience time with a playful and understanding dog in order to do so.

I also know dogs who have learned to play with certain other dogs but have never transferred that play to unknown dogs. These dogs have often learned to play when they were a bit older and have found a way to make it work with a handful of dogs but not with dogs they don’t know.

Knowing what kind of dog you have is good so you can help them with other dogs. For example let’s say you have a Rough and Rowdy dog who comes on strong and can play for hours and still have energy to spare. This is a lot of dog for any dog to take, so finding another dog with a similar personality is key.

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Other dogs are more like Wallflowers and watch from the outskirts. These are the dogs that do a lot of sniffing and seem very curious but typically don’t engage in play. If you have one of these types of dogs they may be interested in a puppy but not want or need too much time with one.

Also, dogs generally play in small groups – the exception to this is when chase behavior happens – which can quickly turn from play to a herding/hunting activity. Each week at social hour we watch as dogs pair off; groups of 2-3 playing with each other. Isn’t this how it is for us as well? If we’re out at a party, there are small groups huddled together in different areas talking and sharing, but rarely the whole group at the same time.

So if your dog doesn’t like to play, respect his/her desire and bring them for a good hike instead. But if your dog is a playful one, take the time to know what type of dog they are so you can find others with a similar energy level. And above all, have fun with your pup!

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