Feeding human food (or treats) does NOT cause begging!

puppies beggingWe all have something that we’ve heard just one too many times…..if you work in an animal shelter, it’s “I could never work here, I’d take them all home” for me it’s “we don’t feed human food because it causes begging.” And just the other day I was informed in no uncertain terms that the reason dogs being fostered to be guide dogs are not allowed treats is because of the same reason….so preposterous!

So what does cause begging? In my opinion, poor leadership or it could be as simple as not caring. But considering the thousands of dogs I’ve cared for over the last 20 years and the fact that I use human food equal to or more than any specific dog product on all these dogs, yet not one of them begged from me – I don’t buy the argument.

That’s not to say many didn’t try, but I have zero wiggle room here. I give my entire life, house, world to dogs – to ask for 10 minutes of peace while I eat isn’t a lot to ask, so I never allow a dog to beg.

As a single person I tend to eat in my living room a lot…typically on the floor where I’m working on something. And my house is constantly a sea of dogs, so first I have a mote around me when I eat….at least 3-5’ depending on the location and dogs present. No one is allowed within this area. I encourage them to stay back by telling them to go, with a hand signal. If they don’t oblige, I stand, then take a step toward them, if none of this works I may walk them over to where I want them to be and have them lay down. (for some really stubborn dogs this step needs to be repeated).

For dogs who keep their distance but just stare or drool or in any other way signal to me that they want what I have, I start with a hard stare, then I increase my volume by leaning towards them or even standing. In any case I use my energy to push them backwards. As soon as they relent I tell them good then ignore them and go on eating.

I typically don’t finish half the food on my plate and spit the remainder with the dogs. Again, this is on my terms and in a completely controlled setting. First, I’m completely done and standing up (away from where ever I was eating), then I ask each dog for a behavior and they get a tid bit of food. Done, zero begging but my dogs are not forced to eat some prepackaged dry stuff made for the masses.

Remember dogs are smart, and we ask these smart kids to sit around and do nothing for virtually their entire lives. Is it so crazy to believe that they would create their own stimulation and games to make the days more fun (or get you to notice them)? Or maybe it’s more like those countries where kids drink with their families all their lives – there are so many fewer alcohol issues. Perhaps the novelty of human-food or treats just doesn’t exist for these dogs so begging doesn’t either? Not sure I buy that argument, but the fact remains: the type of food you feed does not cause begging, you do by giving in to your dog while you’re eating.

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